Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Truth Revealed

I have a confession to make---I’m a total inspiration junkie! That may sound odd except that the only true inspiration in my life comes straight from the Word of God.

After recently going through a bout of lessons (the kind God desires to use to really change you-for good!), I came across a verse during my daily reading that radically inspired new right thinking in my life. I’m sure I had read it before, but on this day it was different. It was as if the words were penned just for me. I love when you claim a verse as if you’re the only one it's written for. Ha ha!

The verse that bounded off the page and into my heart was Romans 8:15 which says, “For you have not received the spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you have received the spirit of Sonship, and by Him we cry, Abba, Father.” The ramifications of this verse are huge! Let’s dig in.

The first truth brings me to my knees in gratitude. Before I claimed my need for Jesus’ blood, I was a slave. I was wayward, prideful, and spent my days selfishfully pursuing my own ways. When Jesus Christ peeled the scales from my eyes, called my name and I accepted His forgiveness, I began walking the road of truth. Being freed from slavery the moment I fully surrendered and trusted in His Name did not stop the enemy's tauntings. Recently, I went through a season of fearful and anxious thinking. I could hear the many lies of the enemy regarding my situation. Sadly, I forgot to utilize the powerful shield (2 Samuel 22:36), that is the Holy Spirit in my life. When fear comes into my mind, I have the ability to resist the enemy, choose faith over fear and walk in freedom. The reason I can do so is because I’m not a slave to Satan, but instead, I have been declared a Daughter of the King!

What does it mean to receive the spirit of sonship? In so many words it signifies that I’ve been chosen, forgiven, called out, set apart, declared righteous, given the Holy Spirit and loved more than ever before. It’s a picture of adoption. I was in need of a Savior and an eternal home. I was given righteousness in exchange for my sin. I was given a new heart (Ezekial 36:26) and adopted into the family of God. With adoption comes many family benefits. You are accepted, loved, and given privilege that comes from association. The beauty of adoption is that it has nothing to do with the one being adopted and everything to do with the one adopting. I did nothing, He did everything. I’ve gained everything, He sacrificed. It’s an exchange of total love. It’s a picture of grace, mercy and God’s heart for His chosen ones.

The blessings could stop there and that would be MORE than enough, but on top of freedom and adoption, He says, “You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart," Jeremiah 29:13. His fellowship is intimate, His love so tender. The name Abba Father is literally, Daddy, protector, nourisher, and upholder. The God of the Universe says I can have the kind of close relationship of a dad and daughter? The glorious truth is yes, that’s exactly what this verse is saying. On top of everything He offers intimacy, fellowship and availability unlike any other human being can offer or extend.

I’m free, I’m adopted, and I have a Father that says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,” (Matthew 11:28). I pray these truths from Romans 8:15 will seep into your very being and stir your heart towards a greater faith. Whatever fear lies in your heart, remember that if you are in Christ, you are no longer a slave to fear. Whatever questions you have about your identity, remember He has purchased you through His blood and brought you straight into His family. And lastly, whenever you feel heavy-hearted, remember that He has granted you VIP access to His heart where we can cry out, “Abba, Father.” In His presence we can lay our burdens at his feet and trust them to His care. Let’s revel in these truths, let’s rejoice in our inheritance and glory in what’s to come.